Since my last update I have been building fences, sorting sheep’s wool, spreading lime fertilizer, feeding sheep, building bonfires, moving accommodation, touring south west Australia and making curtains. Plus many other things that I have forgotten
On March 29th I went to the local Kodja Museum to have a look at the local history. Once again the truth of how the aboriginals were treated had been covered up am wiped from the pages of the museum waiting to be told at a later time when the generations have died off.
Just before the Easter weekend I moved into another house 2km from the main farm house. I’m still staying on the farm but now I’m on my own for the first time in a year.
My Easter weekend was very dull; I chose to stay away from the Easter crowds and stay in all weekend. I used my time to fit the truck with some curtains and plan my road trip north to Darwin.
I will be doing my best to update this blog every day for the next week with photos from the farm, but please don’t shoot me if I miss a day or two.
Oh and I want to show you a video of an Alpaca being sheered, but I can’t upload it now so I hope this photo will be a good substitute for now.
And Its almost lambing season so I have added this photo of some early arrivals. They have both been named Shaun after their mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins.