I am currently cooking the liver and kidney of a lamb that only yesterday was roaming around the farm. My freezer is now full of Shaun.
Odd Jobs
This is a rushed one as I'm just about to leave for a fox hunt.
I am currently cooking the liver and kidney of a lamb that only yesterday was roaming around the farm. My freezer is now full of Shaun.
This morning we went to make sure all the cows were okay and look for any new arrivals. Only one more today.
Then we serviced the old yellow tractor before taking here to the other bloc to live for the purpose of carting hay.
After dinner we had to bring some machinery back from the bloc to the main farm. this involved me becoming an escort warning drivers of a wide load. I couldn't take pictures for an obvious reason but this was taken before leaving the bloc.
So I'm off to hunt some fox, guess what the next post is about.
I am currently cooking the liver and kidney of a lamb that only yesterday was roaming around the farm. My freezer is now full of Shaun.