No hounds here. A fox hunt happens at night when the foxes are out hunting. The farmer will usually drive as they know the layout. Then someone holds the spotlight and another shoots. The extras (me) open gates and collect the foxes.
Everyone drives around on the back of the Ute using the spotlight to search for the foxes. The spotlight pics up the whites of the foxes eyes (The video doesn't show this well). When a fox is found we would play the sound of a parrot squawking to keep the foxes attention while the gun man aims and fires. Then we drive over and pic the fox up. Most of the time the shot kills the fox instantly, On the occasions that it doesn't, everything is done to shorted the foxes suffering.
The video is not very clear as it is night time, but I hope it gives you an idea of how it is done.
Please note before watching the video that an animal was harmed in the making but many sheep, parrot, kangaroo and other creatures lives have been saved. No blood can be seen in the video but don't show it to the young ones before checking it yourself.