It’s been a very busy week at the farm. But before I get to that I will tell you about my adventures. A couple of weekends ago I took a ride south to the Stirling mountain range. I didn’t have the energy to hike to the top of any, plus the heat was around 35, far too hot for adventuring of into the unknown. But luckily there was a car park half way up one of the peaks, so I was able to take some pictures of the flat farm land to the north. I then ventures further south to Albany.

Although it was a Sunday the shops were still open as a cruise ship was in. Although Albany is a city, it’s about the size of a large English town. And Sunday trading is only heard of in the major cities like Perth or Sydney. I drove around to the view points and the very windy beaches before heading to the most southern point I have been to. Dog Rock is a couple of rocks that have formed to look like a dog, hence being called Dog Rock. It’s actually shown as Dip and Bridge on the map. But the Dog rock was a lot more interesting than the dip or the bridge. Albany did not grab me as an amazing place, but didn’t come across as a horrible city. I don’t think I will be rushing back.

The following Wednesday we went to Bunbury to pick up some Lime for fertilising the paddocks. The ride was very bumpy in the 80’s lorry. After picking up the load we went into town to get some new glasses as my previous ones got crushed under a tractor after falling out of my pocket when opening a gate. I also got my RAC cover and a new ‘Next G’ phone so I cant pick up a better signal when out in the middle of nowhere. We then went for a quick look around the beaches after looking into getting MV licence so I will be able to drive the Lorries and tractors on the road.

In my spare time I have been doing up my truck ready for my camping adventures. I have put a new carpet in the back and patched up all the holes in the body work. I have also (very importantly) sprayed an England flag on the back. And I’m just about to fit a roof rack to the top of it now I have sanded it down. Gary has welded it back to life after hanging around on the farm for the past 10 years. I also have rams skull that I will be attaching to it to scare away all the city folk.

I almost forgot to tell you about my birthday. After a nice long day of putting up fences, Myself, Gary and Mee-Ra had a BBQ. And that weekend I went on an Aussie style Fox hunt. Unfortunately I was unable to spot them in the spotlight as I was still without glasses. Over the two nights we were able to shoot 45 in total. An Aussie style hunt is done on the back of a pick-up. One person driving, another holding the spotlight and another with a riffle to shoot them. The rest of us had to collect the dead foxes and open the gates. So I was able to do my bit to kill of non native creatures and save the lives of sheep, kangaroos, chickens and parrots.
This past week I have been spreading Lime on the paddocks ready for seeding. This involved learning to drive a tractor and use a GPS system to spread the lime evenly. Then the past two days I have been sorting the wool during crutching. This was not a nice job, it involved separating the urine and poo stained wool from the good stuff so it could be sold for more money. Luckily it was only a two day job and it’s now over.
I will be adding photos and a video to this blog as soon as I get into town. As I am using my phone as a modem, I can’t upload too much as it will cost me the earth.