I was laying down in the dirt, Dehydrated, no water, 4kms from known source.

Repeating this phrase to myself ;

"you've done it this time simon, You've really gone and done it this time"



I'm having to write this very quickly as i'm using up the little internet time I have left before I leave Perth.

So last monday we left the farm and headed back to perth, spending the little money we had left on fuel to get back. The dirt road from the farm had turned into thick mud after a heavy rain storm in the night. If we didn't have a 4x4 we would have had to leave another day. But luckely we were okay.

every day this week has been the same. And it is as follows.

8.00 wake up
9.00 walk to aussijob agency
12.00 get lunch
13.00 back to the agency to wait for work
15.00 to the beach for a swim
18.00 cook and eat dinner
19.00 start drinking
01.00 go to bed

So thats all. But I finaly got a job on friday and now I am packed and ready to leave this morning (Sat). I will be working on a farm 3hrs south of perth on a sheep farm. My job will be to drive the tractors to feed the sheep. Round them up for their clothes to be stripped off and building fences. Should be a lot of fun, and tthey are training me :-) I will be doing this for 3 months, but as i have weekends off I will be able to venture off to see the local area.

soI hope i will be able to update this offten, But if not then don't worry. I'M OKAY