I was laying down in the dirt, Dehydrated, no water, 4kms from known source.
Repeating this phrase to myself ;
"you've done it this time simon, You've really gone and done it this time"
Wear Sunscreen
I have learnt a very valuable lesson, wear sunscreen!. But before I get to that I will tell you about my time in Perth so far.
I arrived on Friday morning to a very hot Perth (About 32-34°C). After quickly getting changed I got a taxi to my hostel where I booked in and headed of to the center to get my phone and set up my bank account. Feeling very tired I went back to the hostel and hit the pillow till the evening. Then it was time to meet some people. I quickly found out that this hostel was full of long timers. So who have been here for over 5 months. So it was difficult to socialize, but one chap jumped in and got me started on a drinking game and introduced me to all. But with almost 60 people at the hostel its difficult to remember names.
On Saturday I awoke early and headed back down to the river, I had all intentions of doing something spontaneous, but all the boat cruises etc required booking a day before. So that plan didn't work out in my favor. That aside I managed to explore the city and make it back to the hostel for more drinks.
Sunday I got a ride with some Germans to Penguin Island for some lunch, sunbathing and swimming. This is when I learnt to put enough sunscreen all over. Including feet!! I was trying to be so careful to protect my upper half that I forgot my feet. And it wasn't till that evening in the pub that I realized how painful it was. It made it impossible to walk. Penguin Island is about 45mins south of Perth and is accessible by foot (usually). But due to 4 people drowning in the past month the rangers were stopping people from walking over. The only way left was to get a boat at $12 (£6). But we all decided this was too much for only 2hrs, as the last boat was at 4 and we would have to wait for the 2o'clock boat to get over. So we just bathed on the main land having cheese and ham rolls for lunch looking over at the island. That evening I went out to an outdoor nightclub called "the shed" This was with another group from the hostel (the English group). It was a bit strange being in an outdoor nightclub, but the atmosphere was amazing.
On Monday I awoke with the most painful feet in the world. I couldn't walk without incredible pain. So once I had taken some paracetamol I headed to the pharmacy to get some Aloe Vera cream to sooth the pain. After that I headed back to the hostel and went to sleep it off, only to waste the day sleeping trough to today.
So its Tuesday now. I haven't left the hostel as the temperature is about 38°C and my feet are still hurting allot. I feel like I am wasting my holiday at the moment, but I want to be better for the weekend as on Friday I will be heading to York to escape this hostel before I become one of the long timers. I have also booked myself a treat for Sunday, but I will tell you all about that after it has happened.
I am still needing to get my Tax number so I can work, but apparently they send it in the post once I have applied. It takes up to 28 day's to arrive but as I don't know where I will be, I can't give them an address. I'm sure I will be able to sort something out though. I have also found out that it’s harder to get work now as hundreds of miners have lost their jobs due to the dropping price of materials. And it doesn't help that youth hostels and pubs are putting their prices up, But on a good note. I'M IN AUSTRALIA and my feet are slowly getting better.
Here is a video of a song I shoould be taking advise from.
I was Inspired to do the Annapurna Circiut on bike by a crazy english couple who have been peddling a tandem around the world. Take a look at Dan and Jens site www.ittakestwototandem.co.uk
Parts of my travel have been joined by Jeremy Williams, who also has a blog worth seeing. lemondeetjeremyfwilliams.blogspot.com We joined up for parts of North east Australia, South west Australia and Bangkok to Seam reap Cycling.
Not to forget Cam. The original plan was to travel through Asia on a moped. But after meeting Cameron in Denmark, WA over 2009 Christmas week, The plan changed to getting a bike and cycling. mytravelswithgoose.blogspot.com
Country Ticks
Country's I have traveled
Australia, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Nepal, Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, England