I was laying down in the dirt, Dehydrated, no water, 4kms from known source.

Repeating this phrase to myself ;

"you've done it this time simon, You've really gone and done it this time"



Hi all.

So its the eve of my trip. I feel like a 4 year old on christmas eve waiting for santa. The day I have been wishing for most of my life is just one sleep away. The great adventure. AUSTRALIA

I could do the sensible thing of spending the money I have saved on the deposit of a house. But thats just too boring. NO REGRETS!!! thats my motto. If I don't do this now I will look back when i'm older and wish I had done it.

So i'm leaving this behind.....

...and will be arriving 24hrs later in the middle of australias summer.

And here is a short video for your enjoyment.