I was laying down in the dirt, Dehydrated, no water, 4kms from known source.

Repeating this phrase to myself ;

"you've done it this time simon, You've really gone and done it this time"


Feeding sheep

Due to the lack of grass in the paddocks we have to feed the sheep every couple of days.
The sheep are fed with barley and lupin from last year’s crop.

It is loaded into the feeder from the silos using an orga as shown below.

Then we drive of to the paddocks to feed the Shaun’s. John (my neighbor) helps by opening the gates and pointing directions to me.

Once we have located the sheep and tooted the horn, the mob come running towards the Ute (they know its dinner time).

Then the feeder is opened and the sheep get given their feed.

Once the feeder is closed the sheep all end up in a long line while they eat their feed.

The farm has about 20-25 mobs. This takes about a day to do

The next photo shows an alpaca amongst one mob of sheep (to the right). These are here to protect the sheep from the foxes. The idea is that they stamp on the ground near the foxes to scare them away. But it doesn't always work. It is not uncommon to see a couple of dead shauns who have been killed by the foxes while out feeding the sheep. And this is despite a couple of fox hunts each month.

I have also just witnest my food beeing slaughtered. Four sheep have are currently hanging in the shed ready to be butchered in the morning. One of the sheep will be my food during my stay here. So if your ever wondering what i'm eating in the evenings, the chances are its lamb chops or roast lamb.

While your here don't forget to have a look at my posts from the past couple of days.